Central Park


The Central Park Nature Center has several educational displays, hands on activities and live animal exhibits which can be viewed weekdays Monday - Friday.  It is also the main office for the Jones County Conservation Board.  It is recommended to call the office at ph:563-487-3541 to ensure it is open since off site programs and outdoor activities may require closing the Nature Center for short periods of time.

From Memorial Day through Labor Day the Nature Center is open from 1 PM -  5 PM on Saturdays and Sundays.


12515 Central Park Rd, Center Junction, IA 52212

The Nature Center is located on the North side of the Central Park Lake before you get to the boat ramp.


Educational displays, live animal exhibits, hands on activities and much more.  There is something for everyone to enjoy!




Monday - Friday from 8 am - 4:30 pm

It is recommended to call ahead to ensure someone is available at the Nature Center since off site programs and outdoor activities may require the Nature Center to close for a short period of time.  Call 563-487-3541 before coming for a visit.

From Memorial Day through Labor Day the Nature Center is open from 1 PM -  5 PM on Saturdays and Sundays.  


Closed Saturdays and Sundays during the Fall, Winter and Spring months.

Closed 4:30 pm - 8 am Monday through Friday

