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Turn On Location ServicesSEP 14, 2022
The Kossuth County Conservation Board is in the beginning stages of planning a restoration project for Smith Lake.
The Kossuth County Conservation Board is in the beginning stages of planning a restoration project for Smith Lake. Since it was built in the late 1960’s, the lake has gradually silted in, which has caused it to become very shallow. Because it is so shallow, the aquatic vegetation has taken over and made lake usage less enjoyable. A restoration project could include removing the silt in strategic locations to make the lake deeper, armoring the shoreline with more rip rap, construction of more fishing jetties, adding more fish structure, and constructing sediment basins in strategic locations to help keep more silt from entering the lake. To do these things, the lake could be lowered or drained. The lake is still usable now, but if nothing is done, its recreational value will become almost nonexistent in the not-too-distant future. A project like this takes a lot of time to plan, fundraise, and then implement. We are starting the process now so that we can hopefully have a renovated lake before it becomes unusable for recreational purposes. Once the plan is complete, we will have an excellent lake that our children and grandchildren can enjoy for a very long time. We are just beginning this process. Much more information is needed, many more decisions need to be made, and funds need to be raised. We are currently inquiring about the level of community support we might have for a project like this. Please take a moment to fill out a survey. It can be found at this link: . Paper copies of this survey can also be found at the Water’s Edge Nature Center or downloaded here. Please return paper surveys to:Water's Edge Nature Center, 1010 250th St., Algona, Iowa 50511. Thank you for taking the time to express your interest in this project.
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